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Artist Tanja Meski in the Studio. All rights reserved.

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Tanja Meski art


Atelier is located at Linnunlaulu 1 E, Tammisaari Finland You are welcome to visit artist's atelier and gallery for more works and perhaps you wish to book a one-on-one visit? Knipnäs Wellness Center in Tammisaari has juried a variety of arts on display for your entertainment and inspiration. WELCOME!

View from the atelier in Petit Afrique, Villa namouna in Beaulieu sur Mer, France
Atelier France, Beaulieu sur Mer (Petit Afrique)
Atelier France, Beaulieu sur Mero)
A close-up from the studio
Preparing the base with Gesso
Signature Tanja Meski
Breaking, 2019
Tanja Meski working in Dubai
Packed for deliveries
Tanja Meski in the studio
The Man with the Golden Gun
Studio walls
Close-up of 'We 3'
Tanja Meski in the studio
'Inspired by Love' -in progress
Abstract work by Tanja Meski.
Painter's brushes
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